DuckTales Remastered

So, I had plans for the holiday break. All I really did was beat DuckTales Remastered. Mostly because my kid was really into it.

Seriously, he lost his mind every time I made Scrooge McDuck dive into his money.

I never played the original, though I have ordered it. My understanding is that it’s more difficult than this remake. The remake was fun. I think I played it on easy, and it was extremely easy. I was only really challenged by the last level. Again, I was just having fun with my kid. He’s two years old — I give him an Xbox 360 controller with no batteries and we play games.

I also started playing Paper Mario Sticker Star. Fun game.

I’ve picked up a lot of games in the last few months. Several PS3 (The Last of Us, Heavy Rain), Dreamcast (EGG, Skies of Arcadia), Wii (Last Story, Lost in Shadow, Super Mario Galaxy 2), Wii U (Mario 3D World, DuckTales) and Genesis games (Castle of Illusion).

Let’s see if I ever have time to play any of those.

I have played some L.A. Noire. I like it so far.

Also, a couple of months ago I picked up a Commodore 64. I’ll need to write about it soon. I grew up with a Commodore 128. Many C64 games were really, really good. In some cases they were better than NES games.